Provider of national Employee Assistnace Programs.
CorpCare Associates, Inc. appreciates this opportunity to respond to your request for a proposal for Employee Assistance Program (EAP) and Work-Life service. Established in 1991, CorpCare has grown through successful delivery of integrated Employee Assistance Programs. We serve 70 companies employing 200,000 employees, totaling 350,000 members (employees and dependents) nationwide under a variety of customized programs.
CorpCare experiences long-term partnering relationships with clients and is proud that our average length of service is currently over eleven years. These partnerships have experienced the best in the employee assistance industry by receiving reliable clinical services that have created results as improved morale, retaining valuable employees, reduction of healthcare costs, improved attendance and performance, resolving conflicts, providing effective business solutions and improved overall productivity and wellness. CorpCares EAP is a solution-focused system of care that keeps work-related concerns at its core.
We have the privilege of serving groups under 100 to 40,000 employees.
Keywords: EAP, Employee Assistance Program, Mental Health Services